Sunday, September 29, 2013


NAME OF THE PROJECT                                        : DEFORESTATION
TYPE OF THE PROJECT                                          : SCIENCE
DURATION                                                                 : 22nd July to 20th September 2013. 
TEACHER GUIDE                                                      : M.REKHA

PROJECT DESCRIPTION                      
Forests and biodiversity is key to all life forms. The richer the diversity of life, the greater the opportunity for medical discoveries, economic development and adaptive responses to such new challenges as climate changes.
Deforestation is when humans remove or clear large areas of forest lands for non-forest use. These include clearing for farming purposes, ranching and urban use. In these cases, trees are never re-planted.
Since the industrial age, about half of world's original forests had been destroyed and millions of animals and living things have been endangered. Despite the improvements in education, information and general awareness of the importance of forests, deforestation has not reduced much, and there are still many more communities and individuals who still destroy forest lands for personal gains.
This project shows how the Forest has been destroyed, causes of deforestation and some of the points to overcome this problem researched by the students.
All the points discussed above are imparted during our assembly program as a project, which creates the awareness among the students.
CLASS                                                                              : VII
STUDENTS                                                                      : DIVITH, LIKITH, VINAMRITHA
Ø  Understand the concept of Ecology.
Ø  Understand the importance of Forest.
Ø  Understand the concept of Deforestation
Ø  Understand the real fact of forest destruction.
Ø  Understand the causes of deforestation.
Ø  Realized how the forest is important in every human being and finding the solution to stop deforestation


Ø  Understand how to create an initial scene with appropriate objects and settings.
Ø  Understanding the use of procedural abstraction.
Ø  Understand the use of variables and arrays.
Ø  Understand how to use camera markers.
Ø  Understand how to import audio.
Ø  Understand how to use control statements.

PROJECT SCHEDULE                                   :

Project task
Start and End dates
#of periods
(40 min)
Project planning
to 29.07.13
Selection of group, topic
Task scheduling
to 05.08.13
Assignment of roles, drafting the project overview, discussion of deliverables, creating a scenario
Fact collection and pre-project survey
to 12.08.13
Conduct a survey among the students of the class about their existing knowledge on the topic. Collect relevant facts on the topic from sources such as textbook, the Internet and other books (library).
Create the animation
to 02.09.13
Divide the project among the group and create the animation.
Showcase the project
to 09.09.13
Alice project presentation and PowerPoint presentation to the class
Assessment and Reflection
to 16.09.13
Q & A session on the topic, documenting team members’ experience. Evaluation, reflection and analysis of the project by the team members.

RESOURCE                                                  :

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